Long night.
Dark winter.
How are our material and spiritual reserves?
Have we sufficient warmth and nourishment to get us through the long night, the dark winter?
What needs are met? What needs are unmet? Whose needs are met more than others? What will we do to make iniquities as right as possible?
As we light our second candle, we share aloud one concrete action we will take toward getting everyone’s basic needs met.
Tonight will be a first quarter moon. Perhaps we will go to a window to contemplate the night sky. How are we being birthed and re-birthed in the womb of the cosmos? How are we participating in the ever-evolving journey of the universe, a story that ends not in death but in New Life?
We reflect on our losses, our own and others, including lost jobs, lost trust, lost faith. We consider ways that we can work toward equity in education, in safe working conditions, and in equal employment and other opportunities, particularly for people of color.
As we light our fourth candle, we commit ourselves to a more just world.
Woman Clothed with the Sun,
even as you dip below the horizon tonight,
may you continue to light our way
to a more just, equitable, and compassionate world.
And, we sing: